Pastor Frank Returns from Israel

Pastor Frank traveled to Israel February 20th - March 2nd for a pilgrimage of study along with 29 other pastors of various theological traditions from across the United States. He was the only Lutheran and one of two pastors from North Carolina on the trip.

During his journey, Pastor Frank visited the holiest sites of Christianity, including the mount of transfiguration on Mount Tabor as seen in the picture from the Church of the Transfiguration above. During the ten-day stay, the pastors read scripture, prayed and learned about the key locations where the story of Jesus happened. Pastor Frank was powerfully moved by the experience.

“Traveling with an ecumenical group of clergy from widely divergent faith traditions could have been problematic,” said Pastor Frank, "but the spirit of koinonia (christian fellowship) amongst the group was astounding. We embraced one another simply as followers of Jesus. Walking the streets of Jerusalem with Hasidic Jews, Muslims, and Palestinian Christians all around, people who mingled frequently and seemed to get along with each other was another unexpected surprise. During our stay, there was political unrest at the Keneseret (the Israeli center of government) and a border skirmish was occuring in the West Bank, but the general experience of tolerance and mutual respect amongst people of faith gave me hope not only for the church but for the world. Israel is a beautiful place that changed my life.”  

Pastor Frank will provide a slide show presentation on his trip in coming months.
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1 Comment

Barbara Holderby - March 17th, 2023 at 9:35pm

Pastor Frank. Thanks for sharing your pilgrimage thoughts with us. My husband had a similar experience, and your words brought back a lot of memories. Maybe we can share them together



